Sponsor A Room
The Love, Andrew Autism Foundation aims to install The Star Room™ program in every public school in the United States. But Love, Andrew can’t accomplish this goal alone. It will require partnerships with school administrators and principals and the financial support of sponsoring organizations, companies, parent groups and individuals committed and motivated to provide the program at their local school.
Love, Andrew is proud to be teaming up with individuals, small businesses and corporations in the Sponsor a Room Program. This program depends on local leadership and participation which:
- Helps build community spirit and school pride
- Creates a strong sense of local ownership
- Encourages grassroots activity and teamwork
- Keeps all locally-generated and designated funding in the community.
- All the money donated goes into The Star Room program in the designated local school.
Here’s how the Sponsor a Room Program works:
The first stage of the selection process is the request for proposal. This must be filled out before any district is considered for a Star Room. Next we will meet with the applicant to determine general willingness to work with the foundation. In the next stage, the candidate is invited to complete a grant application. Once awarded, Love, Andrew provides the services and materials, however, no money or services, etc. exchanges hands until the full amount has been raised for the Star Room by the district as outlined in the grant contract.Selection will be determined by the LAAF board of directors through level of need incorporating these factors: Median income of district weighed against access to outside resources, and number of students affected.